Transformations & Feel Good Stories

Getting in tune with your best colors will give you confidence and give your wardrobe, a new lease of life! Discover the NEW way to see color and finally make sense of why some colors make you feel fantastic and some, well, make you look tired and unwell. You belong to a color harmony family. Get to know yours today. And if color is your thing, become a color coach here. Welcome. to your home of color confidence.

Collection's name

Passion + Expertise

Passion - Color Harmony is the fruit born of my desire to create a system to demonstrate and describe the beautiful qualities of our unique color characteristics.

When it comes to learning about color, words don't work!

Color Harmony is a method created to simplify the complexities of color profiling. After years of study, training and teaching about color I was frustrated because there was a missing link. Some people just didn't fit into any of the 6 tonal categories or 4 seasonal categories (there are now 12-16 seasonal categories, some would say, "mind boggling and confusing" :)

 I've spoken to many color consultants and stylists who agreed with me, "Yes! There is something missing. some people dont fit anywhere "

The challenge was, how do I describe what's missing?

I was very motivated to describe the missing link because I fell into the no mans land category. I was constantly asked by color consultants  "and what category are you Maree?" I would say "you tell me :)" 

Finally! One day I saw it and I named it. The seventh tonal category. Is FRESH!

Discover more about the 7 color harmony codes here.

Expertise - Equipped with many years of experience internationally as a Color Consultant and color technician for Wella , Lisap and LKColor and an owner of a salon EKO Hair & Body. I followed my dream and become a product developer bringing together my love of all things natural and my passion for color,

I've been blessed to have had the opportunity to blend my skills and expertise to create a transformational experience; Well-being beauty with beautiful Honeyrock - organic products and Color confidence with Color Harmony.

" I hope you will join me in the Color Harmony Academy to begin your new color confidence journey and discover a new approach to understanding your own true colors. Or expand your color consulting repertoire with color harmony tools and products . Maree x